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Spread the Love: Anne-Arky by Lindsay Price

Recorded live at the Missouri Thespian Conference!

Lindsay spreads the love with the Smithton High School cast of Anne-Arky.


Hi and welcome to “Spread the Love.” We are still at Missouri Thespians and I’ve just come across these guys


What school are you guys from from?


Smithton! And what play did you do?


“Anne-Arky!” So, tell me what you like about “Anne-Arky?”

It was fun! We’ve only done like, one other play that was as fun as that, and that wasn’t even as fun as that!

That is, That is like the play that wasn’t as fun but fun!” That’s very good. I like that. And, so tell me what part you played and how was that?

Since we have such a small male percentage interested in the plays at our school, one of the male parts got transformed into two females parts – two of them, actually. I was the instructor in charge – he just smoked, just stopped smoking, and so I got to yell about cigarettes a lot.

It’s pretty transferable, it’s a good part that can be played by any gender. And you were Julie?


What was that like?

It was actually a lot like my own person. So, not so much of a stretch for me.

So you snuck right in? Okay. You were the sound guy?

I was the sound guy. I liked catching the script on fire with my partner in crime.

Now what was, Mark, or, since you played it as Monica, which was originally Mark. What was that part like as a girl, cause it’s a very strange part?

It wasn’t really that much different other than they kind of called me “Monica.”

We had that boa.

Oh, yeah.

Instead of the top hat, we had a boa.

That’s really cool.

Yeah. That was itchy.

We left feathers everywhere. Big, purple feathers, all over.

Now Anne of Green Gables is very very very popular in Canada, but, do you guys know what that is here?

We did that two years ago.

Oh, perfect! So you guys knew exactly what was going on? So, actually, Anne-Arky was based on– I wrote it for a school who did Anne of Green Gables, and actually most of those things happened in it, like the pull the whole wig thing, and the setting the scripts on fire, so they were doing it for a reunion and wanted that whole experience recreated for them. So we just sort of put it all together.

Thank you so much, I’m so glad that you enjoyed it and you had fun with it. It’s so nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you!

Products referenced in this post: Anne-Arky

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