Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Tag - classroom

Be Ready for the Start of the School Year
Be Ready for the Start of the School Year
Embracing Beginner Mindset for Drama Students
Embracing Beginner Mindset for Drama Students
The Ensemble in Middle and High School Plays
The Ensemble in Middle and High School Plays
Community-Building Warmups for the Drama Classroom
Community-Building Warmups for the Drama Classroom
Observation: The conversation you can only see
Observation: The conversation you can only see
Ordered Chaos: Balancing structure and creative activity in the drama classroom
Ordered Chaos: Balancing structure and creative activity in the drama classroom
Lesson Plans for Drama Teachers
Lesson Plans for Drama Teachers
Classroom Exercise: Round Robin
Classroom Exercise: Round Robin
Acting Exercise: The Ensemble Monologue
Acting Exercise: The Ensemble Monologue
Teach any Lesson Through Drama
Teach any Lesson Through Drama
The Drama Survey
The Drama Survey
Peer Evaluation (or “No, you can’t say Jimmy sucks.”)
Peer Evaluation (or “No, you can’t say Jimmy sucks.”)
Expression Exercise: Instagram Journaling
Expression Exercise: Instagram Journaling
Location Sound Exercise
Location Sound Exercise
Shakespearean Insults
Shakespearean Insults
Emotional Attachment
Emotional Attachment
Picture Prompt: The Unexplainable
Picture Prompt: The Unexplainable
Picture Prompt: What are they talking about?
Picture Prompt: What are they talking about?
Picture Prompt: The Portrait
Picture Prompt: The Portrait
Picture Prompt: Location, location, location
Picture Prompt: Location, location, location

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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