Resource: Tons of Shiny, Shimmery, and Sparkly Prompts
Resource: Tons of Fast & Slow Prompts
Two Prompts: An Easy Improv Game for When You Just Can’t Think
Resource: Tons of Big, Huge, and Giant Prompts!
Resource: Tons of Tiny Prompts
Resource: Tons of Animal-Related Prompts!
Warm-Up Exercise: Would You Rather…
Scene-Spurs: Writing Prompts for Dramatic Depth – Volume Two
Resource: 50 Relationship Prompts
20 Icebreaker Questions for Drama Students To Get To Know Each Other
Resource: Tons of Opening Line Prompts!
Resource: Tons of Food-Related Prompts
Resource: Tons of Location Prompts!
20 Self-Reflection Journal Prompts
Resource: Tons of Occupation Prompts!
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Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.