Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Tag - scenes

Introduction to Scene Analysis for Middle School Students
Introduction to Scene Analysis for Middle School Students
Pros and Cons: Food and Drink Onstage
Pros and Cons: Food and Drink Onstage
Playwriting Exercise: Quill, Fountain, and Glitter Gel Pen Scenes
Playwriting Exercise: Quill, Fountain, and Glitter Gel Pen Scenes
Blocking Exercise: Same Scene, Different Stages
Blocking Exercise: Same Scene, Different Stages
Creatively-Staged Scenes with  Middle School Students
Creatively-Staged Scenes with Middle School Students
Scene and Song Analysis Using Emojis
Scene & Song Analysis Using Emojis
Six-Second Scenes
Six-Second Scenes
Scene-Specific Exercises
Scene-Specific Exercises
Theatrefolk Featured Play – 6 ft Scenes by Lindsay Price
Theatrefolk Featured Play – 6 ft Scenes by Lindsay Price
Using Statistics as Scene Starters
Using Statistics as Scene Starters
Scenes for Classroom Study: Help your students take their work to the next level
Scenes for Classroom Study: Help your students take their work to the next level
Theatrefolk’s Top 10: Scene Work
Theatrefolk’s Top 10: Scene Work
A Picture Tells a Thousand Words: Cross-Curricular Drama Classroom Project
A Picture Tells a Thousand Words: Cross-Curricular Drama Classroom Project
Connecting the Past to the Present: Modernizing a Scene
Connecting the Past to the Present: Modernizing a Scene
Physicalize Your Scene Work
Physicalize Your Scene Work
Practicing the Basics: 3 Games to Help Students Play to the Audience
Practicing the Basics: 3 Games to Help Students Play to the Audience
Classroom Exercise: Round Robin
Classroom Exercise: Round Robin
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Reality vs Illusion Exercise
Reality vs Illusion Exercise
Sense Scenes
Sense Scenes

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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