August Reading List: Theatrefolk's Longest Play Titles
July Reading List: Issue-Based Plays
June Reading List: Plays to Celebrate Gender Diversity & Inclusivity
May Reading List: Animal-Inspired Play Titles
April Reading List: All Things Shakespeare
March Reading List: Plays With Iconic Characters
February Reading List: Plays with 'Emotional' Titles
January Reading List: Colourful Play Titles
December Reading List: Holiday/Winter Plays
November Reading List: Plays for Veterans/Remembrance Day
October Reading List: Plays for Halloween
September Reading List: School-Themed Plays
Script Analysis for Directors, Part 2: Going Deeper
Script Analysis for Directors, Part 1: Scanning the Script
Exercise: Same Lines, Different Meanings
Approaching Your Script: What Directors Need to Think About Before Beginning the Production Process
Script Analysis for Actors – Five Steps to Building Your Foundation
Preparing Drama Students to Close Read
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Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.