NEW COMPETITION VERSION - Rebootilization: Stories are vanishing! SynCryn’s “foolproof” Rebootilization process promises to save the day—but chaos, glitches, and laughs ensue! Perfect for middle school, this new competition version is packed with humor and excitement!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Royalty and Performance Information

This information applies to non-professional/school productions only

Contact us for semi-professional and professional rates.

License Terms

Preview our standard performance license.

What qualifies as a performance?

A performance is any presentation that is viewed by anyone from outside the classroom/production team whether or not admission is charged.

Examples of Performances
  • A performance for members of the community (whether or not admission is charged).
  • A performance at a school assembly.
  • A dress rehearsal where parents and friends are invited.
Examples of Non-Performances
  • A scene presented in-class for other students in the class.
  • A tech dress/run-through/rehearsal where the only people watching are part of the regular cast & crew.


Productions of our plays must be rehearsed using either original published copies of the script or with scripts reproduced under a script distribution license issued by us.

Thank you for respecting copyright law. Our playwrights earn a living based on your honesty.

Your order will be delayed if you book performance rights without arranging for scripts and we cannot locate a past record of script purchases.

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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