There exists in everyone the potential for good or evil. Laramie Dean's adaptation of Dracula asks the question: How much would it take to bring out the darkness inside of you?

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Adapt Now: Adapting Drama Classroom Materials to Different Distance Environments

Adapt Now: Adapting Drama Classroom Materials to Different Distance Environments

by Lindsay Price, Matthew Webster, and Karen Loftus

Is your classroom shifting from a traditional in-person environment? Are you being asked to submit plans for social distancing? Are most of your students at home without regular access to a computer? Whatever the scenario, adaptation is going to be key.

Learn how to adapt material originally written for traditional classrooms to new environments with Adapt Now: Adapting Drama Classroom Materials to Different Distance Environments.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with your curriculum.

Adapt Now: Adapting Drama Classroom Materials to Different Distance Environments provides a number of adaptation examples for warm-ups, instruction methods, activities and exercises - all designed to help you adapt, shift focus, and continue to work on skills no matter where your students are.

Click to Read a Free Excerpt

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No See Scenes

by Lindsay Price & Karen Loftus

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