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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Anxiety is Orange

Production Tips for
Anxiety is Orange

by Lindsay Price

Colours can be symbolic. Red is fiery. Purple is royal. Blue is calming. Sometimes, colours can take on too much meaning. I can’t date you - you wear wenge! He sent yellow flowers! Orange gives my brother anxiety!

Join the characters in this vignette play as they navigate the world, each other, and the greens, greys, blues, reds, pinks, yellows, and oranges around them. Does orange make you anxious?

» Anxiety is Orange is now available in Spanish! Click here for details. «


Average Producer Rating:

This is a vignette play! What is a Vignette Play?

Tips from past Producers

Due to the minimal technical requirements, this play adapts easily for younger actors or actors new to theatre. There are some nuances to the dialogue that may prove challenging, but with proper guidance and coaching, actors will easily be able to communicate the messages of each vignette within the play.
We kept the tech elements very simple. Rehearsal blocks, clothing racks, and a couple of tables were our set. All actors stayed on stage the entire time and costumes were basic black with a costume piece of a solid color for each character. Lights were simply up and down. Our challenges were smooth transitions and acting in the background while not in the scene.

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