Commedia Chekhov fuses Anton Chekhov’s wit with Commedia dell’Arte’s flair—perfect for classwork, competitions, and showcases!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Why was my card declined?

When we process payments by credit card and a card is declined, we are notified that the payment did not go through by our card processor. However, we are not given the reason for the decline.

There are many reasons your card may be declined, including:

  • The expiration date was entered incorrectly.
  • The card security number or CVS number has been typed in incorrectly.
  • The card has been used several times in a short period of time and the bank puts the card on hold as a security measure.
  • There are not enough funds available to process the transaction.

Unfortunately we have no control over the authorisation process. If the card continues to be declined, please contact your bank by calling the number on the back of the card. They will be able to provide you with the exact reason.

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
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