Do you have girls who are tired of the same old stereotypes and love something dark and twisted? Camel Dung and Cloves offers rich, eccentric roles with nonstop plot twists that will keep them hooked!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Amanda Murray Cutalo

Amanda Murray Cutalo is a high school English teacher, playwright, and director. She received her B.S. in English education and M.A. in English from Villanova University. During this time, Amanda was active in Villanova’s theatre department and she performed in student and graduate level productions. For the past nineteen years, she has directed various middle school and high school productions, including two of her own plays, Typecast and Nice Girl

Amanda lives with her husband and son in Titusville, New Jersey.

Plays by Amanda Murray Cutalo

Nice Girl

by Amanda Murray Cutalo

Mia knows how to be a confident and assertive young woman who is not afraid to stand up for herself; the only problem is she can only act this way in her fantasies.

  • About 35 minutes
  • 11 F, Plus Ensemble
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 25 pages


by Amanda Murray Cutalo

Students have all mysteriously been cast in the “wrong” roles.

  • About 60 minutes
  • 7 F + 2 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 42 pages

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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