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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Spread the Love: The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair

This week on Spread the Love, Lindsay and Craig talk about The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair, a brand new play by Bradley Walton. Recorded live high above Times Square.


Welcome to Spread the Love. We are above Times Square, a great place to be and this week we are talking about, sorry I have to read this one, “The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair.” This is by a new playwright to Theatrefolk, Bradley Walton. Now, the first thing that always happen when we get a script with such a great title, we’re always thinking, “Can the script live up to the title?” So, that’s the first thing we love about this play, great title, great script. The play follows the trials and tribulations of of Brenda as she gets weighed down, burried, consumed by the hair that is falling off Butterflake Snowball and then when the hair starts getting a mind of its own that’s when the things really go haywire. Craig, what do think about “The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair?”

Well, what I love about “The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair” (I feel really sorry for whoever have asked to type out this captioning). I can sum up this play in four words: THE-AT-RI-CAL. Now this is just a totally theatrically romp. Now, where else do you see a cast list like this? So first of all you got a cat owner, you got the cat owner’s friend and you got a cat. Alright that is normal enough. You also have a lint roller, a granola bar, a vacuum cleaner, a roll a masking tape, and anywhere from 8-100 cat hairs. So it’s a totally gender-neutral script, the casting is totally flexible and Bradley even gives you some options on how to increase the cat size or the number of speaking parts, for those of you who don’t speak feline. It’s only been out in the world for a couple weeks and we’ve already had our first production. So, we are really hoping this thing goes gangbusters. Lindsay what do you love about “The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair?”

I love the sense of humor in this play. For one specific reason: it’s a little dark. I love me a little dark comedy, especially in a middle school play. Middle school teachers have such a tough time finding appropriate material. Either it is too kiddy or it is too mature, it is got to find that right tightrope balance and this play walks that tightrope in spades. This is a perfect play for middle school and I don’t say that lightly. Okay, that is it for Spread the Love.

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