Playwriting Exercise: Quill, Fountain, and Glitter Gel Pen Scenes
Exercise: Creating a Styled Theatrical Photograph
Beyond Happy and Sad: Exploring Emotions with Middle Schoolers
Getting Bums in Seats: Theatre Marketing Exercises
Lines from a Bag
Playwriting Exercise: Your Ideal Future
Warm-Up Exercise: Positive Self-Talk
Choice Board Exercise: Portraying Emotions
Emotional Sound Design & Tableau Group Exercise
Tableau Scenes from a Book Come to Life
Playwriting Exercise: The Next Scene
Exercise: Whisper and Shout
Six-Second Scenes
20 Icebreaker Questions for Drama Students To Get To Know Each Other
Warm-Up Game: Virtual Mirrors
Warm-up Exercise: Brain Dump
Monologue Exercise – Share Your Heart
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Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.