NEW COMPETITION VERSION - Rebootilization: Stories are vanishing! SynCryn’s “foolproof” Rebootilization process promises to save the day—but chaos, glitches, and laughs ensue! Perfect for middle school, this new competition version is packed with humor and excitement!
This warm-up game helps students work on a variety of skills: improvising, listening, observing, and working as a team. At the same time, it’s pretty silly and good for a laugh! This game requires no props (although students can use found objects if they wish), and can be done virtually on an online platform such as Zoom or Skype, or in person.
1. Select four students to participate. Two students will be silent actors and two students will be their voices. Assign one silent actor and one voice actor to be Character A, and the other silent actor and voice actor to be Character B.
2. The two voice actors will cover their cameras or turn them off, but keep their microphones on. (Make sure they can still see everyone else.) The two silent actors will turn their microphones off, but keep their cameras on.
3. The two voice actors will start a conversation, Character A speaking to Character B. It might help to give them a starting line, a character trait, or a topic to get them started. See below for a link to twenty conversation starters!
4. The two silent actors will lip sync (as best they can) along with their matching voice actor, while adding facial expressions and gestures. They can use found objects as props if they wish.
5. The silent actors will need to listen carefully to what the voice actors are saying to interpret their words. It will help the silent actors if the voice actors speak slowly and clearly. The silent actors can help make the scene more active by exaggerating their facial expressions and gestures.
6. Give students the opportunity to try both the silent and voice roles.
7. After the scene, discuss with your students:
Alternate 1: Act/React
Adaptation 2: Murmel Murmel Murmel
Adaptation 3: Flip the Roles
by Lindsay Price
Choice boards give students the opportunity to choose how they want to learn a particular subject. Create Your Own Choice Boards: Drama Activities can help encourage your students' independence by allowing them to take an active role in their learning.
by Christian Kiley
A play about trying to survive and thrive in a virtual classroom.