Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Spread the Love: Being Bianca: The Semi-Complete Guide by Alan Haehnel

This week on Spread the Love, Lindsay and Craig talk about Being Bianca: The Semi-Complete Guide, a comedy by Alan Haehnel.


Welcome to Spread the Love. This week we’re looking at Being Bianca: The Semi-Complete Guide by Alan Haehnel. Bianca has to do some community service and her great service to the community is to teach everyone to be just like her. According her Bianca she’s got it all: good looks, humour, popularity, fashion sense, what else could the world want than to ‘Be’ Bianca? This is such a fun play for a huge cast, perfect if you’re in a rebuilding year with your program. What I especially love about the play is the sound of the dialogue. Alan is a master at the rhythm of words, which makes for a really nice balance to this play, off the fluffiness of the story. Craig what do you love about Being Bianca?

I absolutely love the main character of Bianca. I see Biancas everywhere I go. Hardly a day goes by when we’re at a theatre conference and I don’t see a girl who would be perfect for the part. Bianca drives the action of the story so it’s an idea role to showcase your strongest girl.

That’s it for Spread the Love.

Products referenced in this post: Being Bianca: The Semi-Complete Guide

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