Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Spread the Love: Body Body

This week on Spread the Love we talk about Body Body. We also have a competition length version of the play.


Welcome to This week’s Spread the Love. This week we are talking about Body Body. Body Body is an issue play, it looks at what girls, specifically teenage girls think about their body and their self-image. The main character in this play, Maddie, not only has to deal with the bad feelings she has about her weight, she also has to deal with the personification of her body. Maddie’s body talk back in this play: chin, butt, tummy, right thigh and left thigh, they are all characters in the play.

I love this play because it takes an issue and makes it theatrical. Instead of having conversations in her head, Maddie actually has to deal with her issues face to face. And, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, issue plays must be theatrical, they must be a play first and not a statistics pamflet. That’s what this play is.

I also love it because body image is something that has always affected me and I knew that we had to have a play like this in our catalogue. Sometimes we are our own worst critiques and that take that self loathing, that inner loathing taking it, showing it on stage, and show a character dealing with it, I’m happy to have Body Body out there in the world.

That’s it for Spread the Love.

Products referenced in this post: Body Body and Body Body: Competition Length Version

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