Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

The Wonder of Wonderland: Alice

Nothing brings Cheshire Cat-sized grins to an audience like the comedic, classical adaptation Aliceby Lindsay Price.

Audiences in New Zealand followed director Juliet Cottrell and the Drama Workshop down the rabbit hole through a wonderland of crazy and classic characters. It was no ordinary production. The theatre had been destroyed by fire four weeks prior… and yet the show did indeed, miraculously, go on!

The costumes for Alice were created by Angela Elliott from Foxie Red Costumier who worked around the clock to get them ready in time.

How the play came together:

This production miraculously came together four weeks after our theatre was destroyed by fire. We lost all of our props and costumes and the sound and lighting was all destroyed. We had to scramble to find new premises for 120 drama students, create new costumes and pick ourselves up off the floor and carry on! It’s moments like these that you just put one foot in front of the other, head down and focus. Ten days after the fire our village was hit by a water contamination bug and 5000 people became ill. All schools closed for the week so we had to close too! We lost about two weeks though as people recovered and came back to class.

– Juliet Cottrell

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Products referenced in this post: Alice

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