The brand new one-act noir comedy, Tough City, Prone to Rain by Alan Haehnel, is perfect for a competition piece – easy to stage, with a large cast and fun to play!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Teaching Resources for the Drama Classroom

Drama teachers: you are not alone! Our quality teaching resources and materials are specifically designed to make your life easier and help your classroom thrive.

The Drama Classroom Companion

Filled with articles and exercises to build the skills needed for theatrical performance, the Drama Classroom Companion helps you nurture real-world skills like creative thinking, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.

Emergency Lesson Plans for Theatre Teachers, 2nd Edition

Confidently leave your class in the hands of a substitute teacher with these tools and resources. Customize your lesson plans to suit the specific needs of your class when you can’t be there.

The Student Director’s Handbook

Help students take their show from first audition to opening night! This easy-to-use ebook is full of guidelines, tips and templates designed to help students create a vision, circumvent problems and organize rehearsals on their way to a successful production.

Scene Spurs

Scene Spurs is a collection of photo-based writing prompts developed by playwright Lindsay Price. The set includes 35 different Spurs along with an instruction guide to integrate them into your drama classroom.

Write Your Own Vignette Play

Your students want to write and perform an original play. You want to include a playwriting unit in your program. But where to start? What if your students have never written a play before? What if you’ve never written before?

The Monologue Everything Program

Want your students to write their own monologues? Have you tried to incorporate monologue units into the classroom with less-than-satisfactory results?

The 30-Second Monologue Project

Give students the confidence, skills and tools they need to master the monologue with  The 30-Second Monologue Project. This four-lesson unit guides students from the first moment to a successful performance.

Competition Material

Plays, monologues, and scenes for drama competitions including royalty information and exemptions.

Monologue and Scene Collections

Whether it’s for classwork, competitions or auditions, these collections of student-appropriate monologues and scenes can help you find what you’re looking for. All monologues and scenes come from published plays and include running-times, descriptions, character notes and staging suggestions.

Working with a limited budget? Be sure to check out our Free Resources and New Drama Teacher Toolkit too!

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Growing Your Drama Program Through Outreach

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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