Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Theatrefolk Featured Play – Being Bianca: The Semi-Complete Guide by Alan Haehnel

Welcome to our Featured Play Spotlight.  Being Bianca: The Semi-Complete Guide by Alan Haehnel is a fun play for a huge cast – perfect if you’re in a rebuilding year with your program.

Bianca just knows that everyone wants to be her. And why not? By her estimation, she has everything: good looks, humour, popularity, fashion sense, and, above all, intelligence.

When told she should be engaged in volunteer work, Bianca decides to perform a work of great service to mankind: She will teach us all how to “Be Bianca.”

From brushing your teeth to choosing the best stuffed animal, she leads us gleefully through her semi-complete guide.

In the end, while the audience may not be convinced that “Being Bianca” is the best idea, they will certainly agree that watching her is a sure formula for hilarity!

Why did we publish this play?
Big cast, easy to stage, great characters – Being Bianca has everything we’re looking for. On top of that, this play is a delight – lively, fun and frothy. It’s a play that gives you the opportunity to “play.” You can’t ask for more than that in a comedy!

Let’s hear from the author!

1. Why did you write this play?
Pure fun. I’ve long had amusingly-unintelligent characters involved in my plays, but to feature one as the protagonist was a blast.

2. Describe the theme in one or two sentences.
That’s a tough question for a play that is really just about having fun making fun of a character who has no idea how clueless she is. The theme, then (dramatic music, please): Some people are ridiculously clueless!

3. What’s the most important visual for you in this play?
The highly-colorful and costume-varied depiction of Bianca’s fashion world.

4. If you could give one piece of advice for those producing the play, what would it be?
Keep the pace fast and the choices bold!

5. Why is this play great for student performers?
This play is a great opportunity to make broad, energetic choices that will surely get big laughs.

Products referenced in this post: Being Bianca: The Semi-Complete Guide

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