Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Theatrefolk Featured Play – Ten Minute Play Series by Lindsay Price

Welcome to our Featured Play Spotlight. The Ten Minute Play Series by Lindsay Price is a collection of short plays with interesting and engaging parts, challenging stories and complex characters.

Find an option that works for your group with Ten Minute Play Series: All Girls, Ten Minute Play Series: Girls and Guys and Ten Minute Play Series: Be Challenged.

Why did we publish this play?

The ten minute play format is an interesting animal. It’s not enough time to tell a complicated story, or even a complete story. And yet, it can provide a vivid window into a moment or a character. In that regard we look at the form as a great challenge, and wanted to present that challenge with our Ten Minute Play Series.

A lot of these plays translate well to an online platform. They take place in one location and most of the scenes are duets. Focus on the character development and relationships in the scenes. Acting is acting whether it’s in person or online.

Let’s hear from the author!

1. Why did you write these plays?

Ten minute plays are great for classwork, they’re great for getting students to focus on bringing a character to life in a short period of time, and they’re great when you want to feature a lot of students in performance.

2. What are the most important visuals for you in these plays?

Each play focuses on characters and relationships. Visualizing a relationship is always a good play to start when you’re working on a play, especially a ten minute play. You want an audience to instantly know what the relationship is all about and they’re going to make that determination by what they see.

3. If you could give one piece of advice for those producing these plays, what would it be?

Do the character work. Know the characters inside and out so you can bring them to life instantly and vividly.

4. Why are these plays great for student performers?

You want to give your students as many performance opportunities as you can in a class situation. Ten minute plays are going to help you achieve that goal.

5. Why are these plays great for online performances?

In these times, traditional productions may not be possible. But that doesn’t mean students can’t perform or focus on character work, vocal skills, and the physicalization needed to bring a play to life. Acting is acting whether it’s online or onstage. Challenge your students with these short plays to present them as fully as possible in an virtual environment.

Get your copy of The Ten Minute Play Series – All Girls, Girls and Guys, and Be Challengedright here, right now!

Not right for your group right now? Search our play catalogue to find one that your performers will love!

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