Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

An Introspective Middle School Journey: Hoodie

Middle school can be tough. What do I wear? What if I wear the wrong thing? What is she wearing? What do I look like? Stop looking at me! Hoodie by Lindsay Price examines image and appearance in the vignette style and poses what may be the most difficult question of all – Do I stay in the clump or do I stand alone?

The drama group at  Turning Point School in Culver City, California asked themselves some of these tough questions as they navigated their way through this issue-based dramedy. Director  Jane McEneaney shares her thoughts on this amazing journey:

I’m writing to thank you for your play, HOODIE. We performed on Friday and it was so successful. The play is just the tip of the iceberg. The girls (no boys signed up) learned so much about themselves. It was fantastic!

The girls also sponsored a Mirror-Free Friday in honor of the show. This involved covering the bathroom mirrors with paper and inviting everyone to look at the beauty inside and write positive comments on the paper. I can’t thank you enough for this script.

As well, the cast did a talk-back with the audience after the performance and revealed quite a bit about their own struggles and how that challenged them as actors.

Great job, Turning Point School!

Products referenced in this post: Hoodie

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