A fast-paced, witty modern take on Austen’s six classic masterpieces.
Plots and schemes are being hatched to kidnap Santa! That means no toys for good little girls and boys. Adapted from the story by L. Frank Baum.
We label people every day. We’ve done it in the past, we’ll do it in the future.
What will happen when Icabod Crane comes face to face with the headless horseman? An adaptation of the Washington Irving story.
What happens when Ophelia and Jeb have to tear themselves away from the script and live life off book?
A delightful melodrama replete with broad comedy, memorable characters, and plenty of booing and hissing for the stovepipe-hat-wearing villain!
A group of lively travelling players take you on a spirited adventure through Christmas past and present. Flexible casting, and audience participation.
A one act annotated version of Shakespeare's magical tale of mischievous fairies, and love potions.
An hilarious gender-bending take on the Scottish play! Updated Version.
A shorter version of our hilarious gender-bending take on the Scottish play. Updated version.
If someone has a secret they’ve been clutching to their heart, the moonbow’s glow will give them the courage to share their true selves
If someone has a secret they’ve been clutching to their heart, the moonbow’s glow will give them the courage to share their true selves
An environmental fable about a city that destroys its natural beauty in order to support its only industry.
What if Much Ado About Nothing took place at a high school dance? An enjoyable introduction to Shakespeare with lightning-fast pace and snappy dialogue.
Four campers are not only lost in the wood, they are lost at the edge of the world with no land, water, stars or sun. The only way to bring life back is to ask the right questions that will release stories from the wind.
A vignette play about teen life – backwards, forwards and inside-out. Told through a variety of forms: kitchen sink, absurd, movement and song.
A retelling of Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper.
There are consequences for the people of Hamelin when they refuse to pay the Piper. A theatricalization of the Robert Browning poem.
An unlikely romance between the outcast and the linebacker brings prom night magic.
It’s time for role call. Who are you?