Do you have girls who are tired of the same old stereotypes and love something dark and twisted? Camel Dung and Cloves offers rich, eccentric roles with nonstop plot twists that will keep them hooked!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Clowns with Guns (A Vaudeville)

Clowns with Guns (A Vaudeville)

by Christopher Evans

Step right up! Step right up! It’s the SCHOOL-SHOOT-O-RAMA! And the question everyone’s asking is “Am I walking out alive today?”

Clowns with Guns takes a theatrical and absurd look at the repeated and seemingly endless cycle of school violence. It happens, everyone is terribly upset, things continue on as normal, it happens again.

This story is mean. There are guns. The play puts school shooting violence out in the open and forces all of us to do the same. Read the play with this knowledge.

Black Comedy Issue-Based

Average Producer Rating:

About 25 minutes
Times given are approximate and do not include intermissions/scene changes/breaks
16 Characters
16 Any Gender
Simple set
22 pages
Production Tips
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Praise for Clowns with Guns (A Vaudeville)

Lisa Rowlands
Neath Little Theatre
It was such a powerful play that had the entire audience thinking and talking about the subject matter afterwards.
Andrea Campfield
Charles Page High School
The script does the important work of challenging the actors to effectively embrace absurdism and satire to expose the circus of violence in our schools and society. The audience was moved and an amazing conversation ensued at the end of the show.

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