A vignette play is a collection of short scenes on a theme. You'll love working with the variety and flexibility of the scenes. Your actors will love the fast pace and fun characters.
There's more. Every Theatrefolk vignette play holds the unexpected. A showcase monologue. A dramatic moment. A change in form. A left turn.
Ideal for classwork, competitions, and more!
A vignette play that embraces the odd. Odd jobs, odd socks, odd one out, odd reactions and odd boyfriends.
How will you respond to this evolving new world?
A sharp, comedic glimpse into the chaos of high school life, where every choice feels like the end of the world—but might just be the start of self-discovery.
A comedic romp through the stresses and struggles of making it through the school day.
It’s time for role call. Who are you?
This vignette play explores relationships and situations that speak to today’s teens in a variety of genres with flexible gender roles.
This vignette play explores relationships and situations that speak to today’s teens in a variety of genres with flexible gender roles.
This vignette style play can be easily performed using an online platform and has a variety of scenes to address all student skill levels.
Middle school is the tricky tightrope between being a kid and being a teenager. The characters try to keep their balance on the first day of middle school.
Shakespeare’s characters deserve to celebrate the holidays too!
Your first car. Getting your license, Getting pulled over. The relationship between teen and car makes a great backdrop for this vignette play.
The cross country road trip is the focus of this vignette play. Great for a classroom project or for competition. Short scenes with interesting characters.
A character driven toboggan ride through every experience you've ever had with snow. Wish for a snow day, make a snow angel, catch the first snowflake.
Connect and commiserate with these characters who can't help but do stupid things. An amazing ensemble opportunity.
A vignette play about communication. Great for classwork.
A vignette play that looks at 21st century communication. Blog your innermost thoughts. Break up by text. Express your deepest emotions through LOL's and smilies.
A vignette play all about waiting. Great scenes, great characters, flexible casting, easy staging.
A middle school vignette play about waiting. Great scenes, great characters, flexible casting, easy to stage.
Shakespeare's Sonnets come alive in this play where modern scenes play hand in hand with the original text. Very flexible casting.