The brand new one-act noir comedy, Tough City, Prone to Rain by Alan Haehnel, is perfect for a competition piece – easy to stage, with a large cast and fun to play!
A talk show welcomes some of literature's most memorable women who just can’t seem to get it right when it comes to men.
This vignette style play can be easily performed using an online platform and has a variety of scenes to address all student skill levels.
Middle school is the tricky tightrope between being a kid and being a teenager. The characters try to keep their balance on the first day of middle school.
The truth hurts. Especially when you're afraid to tell it and not expecting to hear it.
Faked Death! Mistaken Identity! Parental Marital Veto! But wait, there’s more!
Shakespeare’s characters deserve to celebrate the holidays too!
Tonight was going to be writer Alina Deveraux’s most important night, the unveiling of her memoirs. Until she ended up dead. Or not dead.
Four teens just can't express themselves. What happens when you don't shout? An a cappella musical created especially for high school performers. You can sing this!
A one act version of our wonderful and accessable a cappela musical.
A re-imagining of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
The lives of seven teenagers become intertwined in this humorous and oftentimes bittersweet collection of ten minute plays. Multiple lengths available.
Your first car. Getting your license, Getting pulled over. The relationship between teen and car makes a great backdrop for this vignette play.
The cross country road trip is the focus of this vignette play. Great for a classroom project or for competition. Short scenes with interesting characters.
The girls of a rather unusual club find it hard to commit to the cause. Boys are too tempting.
Dallas is a real smarty pants and can't wait to show off. But he's in for a shock. His new class is very different. A fantastic competition piece.
A character driven toboggan ride through every experience you've ever had with snow. Wish for a snow day, make a snow angel, catch the first snowflake.
A friend disappears from an online session.
A heartbreaking and hilarious one act. How does a family deal with watching one of their own disappear?
Senior students in a small town face a dilemma. Do they stay close to home, or do they run far away? A heartwarming and heartbreaking story.
Children of divorce are united through humor in this honest and theatrical look at the day to day reality of growing up in a family that's been torn apart.