Body image, bullying, and suicide are only a few of the teen-centred issues explored in this category.
Ten interconnected vignettes with LGBTQ+ themes.
An examination of depression and anxiety in teens.
Rogue lives in a cardboard box but she doesn’t mind. Others want Rogue to leave but she isn’t budging. It's a showdown of stereotypes and self-identity.
A theatrical adaptation of a selection of Walt Whitman's civil war poems. See the words, the war, the blood come to life.
A modern translation of the original text
Kids are constantly being told to hold still. But that’s impossible when all they want to do is move forward at warp speed.
A play that forces us to consider the human side of the people we often dismiss.
Two girls live in two communities that have been separated by a wall for a hundred years.
An emotional tug of war between a sister and brother and what really happens in the world of teenage marijuana use. A vivid personification of drugs.
This middle school play looks at the bullied, the bully, and the bystander through mostly non-verbal vignettes.
Why aren't middle school students full of smiles, hugs and hi-fives? They’re too young to have problems.
This monologue-based play explores what happens when rumours and secrets spin out of control. What makes a secret more powerful: when it's true or a lie?
This middle school vignette play examines self-image and appearance.
Life is a little different for Ani. She talks to inanimate objects and the object talk back. Is she living in a happy, carefree kids’ show or is it something more serious?
A drama for six women that will have your audience talking long after they leave the theatre.
For many wars, letters home were the only form of communication between soldiers and their loved ones. This play brings those letters to life.
In the future teenagers are obedient and polite. But this behaviour comes at a price. A thought-provoking harrowing tale.
A Spanish translation of Look Me in the Eye.
The transition from middle school to high school can be filled with problems. Monster problems.
A vignette play about teen life – backwards, forwards and inside-out. Told through a variety of forms: kitchen sink, absurd, movement and song.